Entrepreneurial school : a platform for realization of interdisciplinary projects

Article de colloque


État de publication: publié

Titre des actes: Education and New Developments 2018

Éditeur: InScience Press

Lieu: Lisbonne, Portugal

Intervalle de pages: 431-433

ISBN: 978-989-99864-8-0

URL: http://end-educationconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Education-and-New-Developments_2018.pdf

Résumé: Entrepreneurship education appears to be a promising avenue for developing entrepreneurial skills among young people. This tendency is present in several countries and environments, and the school is targeted in order to give tools and develop entrepreneurial spirit among young people because these are considered as key players in promoting economic growth (European Commission, 2013). The appropriate teaching method for achieving academic and entrepreneurial goals seems to be the project-based approach (MELS, 2005). The project-based approach is also the prioritized strategy to implement interdisciplinary in schools (LeDoux, 2003) and it appears that entrepreneurship is a privileged context for the realization of interdisciplinary projects in order to give meaning to the learning experience (Pépin, 2011). Based on the framework of Proulx (2004), the objective of this study is to describe the processes of implementation and deployment of interdisciplinary projects in the context of the entrepreneurial school. Eight individual interviews were conducted with school staff from an entrepreneurial school where several interdisciplinary projects were going on. Our results show that the teacher assumes a key role as a supervisor throughout the interdisciplinary project in making sure that the education program objectives are attained. However, the lack of collaboration between the teachers remains a challenge in order to equip and help them with the realization of the interdisciplinary project. As the implementation of interdisciplinary projects represents a non-traditional teaching method, solutions are identified to ensure sustainability the implementation of these projects in this entrepreneurial context.

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