Preservice teachers’ classroom management for difficult behavior : Specific effective strategies and sources of influence



État de publication: Publiée (2019 Janvier )

Type de présentation: Symposium « What do I think and do about inclusive education and classroom management of emotional and behavioral difficulties : Portrait of preservice teachers »

Nom de la rencontre: 17th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education

Lieu: Hawaii, États-Unis

Résumé: Behavior and classroom management is often reported as a lack in preservice teacher preparation programs and in-service development (Freeman, Simonsen, Briere & MacSuga-Gage). However, little is known about what type of practices is specifically less acquired. The purpose of this research was to verify the frequency of effective classroom management reported being implemented by preservice teachers (PT) to manage difficult behavior during training and examine what is influencing their uses. Methods Using survey methodology, the participants (N = 1475) enrolled in a regular or special teacher education program answered an Inventory of classroom management practices for behavior difficulties (N = 68 items; Nadeau et al., 2018), divided into two dimensions and seven subscales (Proactive : self-regulation, rules and instructions; teaching planning and time management; positive reinforcement; functional assessment; Reactive : mild negative practices, less recommended punitive practices), a French adaptation of Teachers' Willingness to Work with Severe Disabilities Scale (Rakap and Kaczmarek, 2010) and information on the socio-demographic variables of the PT and the training program. Results Encouragingly, PT are reporting using proactive strategies frequently. In correspondence with previous results, ANOVAs revealed significant differences between training programs (general/regular education vs special education), years of training and hours of field experience, but not necessarily in the expected direction. In fact, the more time spent on the field experience, the less proactive the PT would be. Also, the campus course, mentor and willingness to include are related to different types of strategies implemented. Conclusion Implications for future research and practice, including teacher training program and support to PT candidate, are discussed.

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