School dropout: a review assessing the place of gender

Article de revue


État de publication: Publiée (2005 Janvier )

Nom de la revue: International Journal of School Disaffection

Volume: 3

Numéro: 1

Intervalle de pages: 30-41

ISBN: 1478-8497


Résumé: School dropout is a complex social problem. In 1999, more boys (15 %) than girls (9 %) dropped out of Canadian schools prior to graduation (Bowlby and McMullen, 2002). In the United States, Kaufman et al. (2000) evaluated that 5% more boys than girls dropped out of school. This literature review focuses on the place given to gender within studies focusing on risk factors associated with school dropout. Results indicate that girls and boys are at risk from different factors. Those contributing to increasing the odds of dropping out for girls include internalized behavior problems, parental mental disorders and specific parenting practices. Factors placing boys at risk include externalized behavior problems, low school performance, adverse family context and parenting practices.

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