Evaluating teaching personnel: Which model of supervision do canadian teachers prefer?

Article de revue


État de publication: Publiée (2005 Décembre )

Nom de la revue: Personnel Evaluation in Education

Volume: 18

Numéro: 4

Intervalle de pages: 289-308

ISBN: 0920-525X

Résumé: The present study examines and provides a description of the teachers' (N = 382) preferred models of supervision from seven of Canada's large urban centres: Evaluation by school supervisors, school council members, school principals, peers, students, teachers' self-evaluation or no evaluation at all. The results show that teachers from the seven areas under study Vancouver (British Columbia) Saskatoon (Saskatchewan), Winnipeg (Manitoba), Toronto (Ontario), Montreal (Quebec), Moncton (New Brunswick), and Halifax (Nova Scotia) prefer various models of evaluation. Teachers in Moncton and Montreal prefer supervision by the school supervisors. Teachers in Montreal chose the absence of any evaluation more than teachers from other provinces, while teachers in Winnipeg prefer evaluation by the school council and the self-evaluation. Analyses also reveal that teachers in Winnipeg and Toronto are more favourable to evaluation by the school principal. Based on these results, some suggestions for future studies are recommended regarding teachers' evaluation.

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